billy woods

billy woods is an artist who defies easy categorization. He claims Washington, D.C. as his hometown but has spent nearly all his adult life in New York City. He was born in the U.S. but spent much of his childhood in Africa and the West Indies as the second child of a Jamaican intellectual and a would-be Marxist revolutionary. On the mic, woods is no less a conundrum, possessed of versatile flows and not only an ability to tackle topics other artists wouldn’t imagine, but bring unique perspectives to the familiar ones.

After spending much of the 2000s in relative obscurity woods stuck a nerve with 2012’s audacious mission statement, History Will Absolve Me. An album two years in the making, History was a Molotov cocktail of sarcastic fury, with production to match its uncompromising vision. in 2013 woods and fellow NYC artist Elucid joined forces as Armand Hammer and released the incendiary Race Music. In the years that followed, woods has released a steady stream of critically acclaimed projects, both as a solo artist (Known Unknowns, Hiding Places, Terror Management), and with Armand Hammer (Paraffin, Shrines, Haram)
Henry Canyons - Cool Side Of The Pillow - SHIRT

Henry Canyons - Cool Side Of The Pillow - SHIRT

From $25
Armand Hammer - ROME [DIGITAL]

Armand Hammer - ROME [DIGITAL]

Armand Hammer - ROME [T-SHIRT]

Armand Hammer - ROME [T-SHIRT]

From $25
Billy Woods - Known Unknowns [DIGITAL]

Billy Woods - Known Unknowns [DIGITAL]

Willie Green - Merchants Of Disaster 7in

Willie Green - Merchants Of Disaster 7in

Sale price $8 Regular price $12 Sale
Billy Woods - Today, I Wrote Nothing [DIGITAL]

Billy Woods - Today, I Wrote Nothing [DIGITAL]

Armand Hammer - Furtive Movements - [DIGITAL]

Armand Hammer - Furtive Movements - [DIGITAL]

Blockhead - Dour Candy: The Instrumentals [DIGITAL]

Blockhead - Dour Candy: The Instrumentals [DIGITAL]

Super Chron Flight Brothers - Emergency Powers; The World Tour - CD

Super Chron Flight Brothers - Emergency Powers; The World Tour - CD

Invizzibl Men - The Unveiling - CD

Invizzibl Men - The Unveiling - CD

Vordul Mega - Mega Graphitti - CD

Vordul Mega - Mega Graphitti - CD

Dr. Monokrome - all things considered, that was a long time ago - CD

Dr. Monokrome - all things considered, that was a long time ago - CD

Sold Out
Super Chron Flight Brothers - Tour Support

Super Chron Flight Brothers - Tour Support

Sold Out
Super Chron Flight Brothers - Cape Verde

Super Chron Flight Brothers - Cape Verde

Sale price $8 Regular price $10 Sale
Billy Woods - Dour Candy [Digital]

Billy Woods - Dour Candy [Digital]

